Scripture Blog

This weblog is my personal online scripture journal. I try to read the scriptures each morning as I exercise on my cross-trainer. It has a great impact on my life and my testimony of the Savior and his restored church. The journal is really for my own benefit but I have set it up as a web log in hopes to benefit anyone else that may be interested. "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Nephi 10:19

Friday, April 29, 2016

Alma 26

As Ammon marvels and rejoices in he and his brothers great success among the Lamanites, there is much he teaches us.  I would like to touch on just a few thoughts -

"...this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 26:3)

"...for ye did thrust in the sickle, and did reap with your might, yea, all the day long did ye labor; and behold the number of your sheaves!..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 26:5)

"...I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 26:11 - 12)

Obviously to instruments in the hands of God, one must labor much

What I noticed is how they did that -

"...this because of the power of his word which is in us..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 26:13)

It is all about teaching and testifying even though we are "nothing".

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Alma 24

Where much of the tradition of the Lamanites was to murder and plunder.  In other words, they relied heavily for their personal support on the wealth and/or livelihood of others.  Meaning...taking advantage of others for free stuff.

We find as the Lamanites became converted to the Lord, I noticed a change in their values where Mormon writes -

"...that rather than shed the blood of their brethren they would give up their own lives; and rather than take away from a brother they would give unto him; and rather than spend their days in idleness they would labor abundantly with their hands."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 24:18)

If find this change of heart also a result of the Spirit of the Lord.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Alma 22

Mormon lays out he process that Aaron taught king Laman -

"...Aaron did expound unto him the scriptures from the creation of Adam, laying the fall of man before him, and their carnal state and also the plan of redemption, which was prepared from the foundation of the world, through Christ, for all whosoever would believe on his name.
14 And since man had fallen he could not merit anything of himself; but the sufferings and death of Christ atone for their sins, through faith and repentance, and so forth; and that he breaketh the bands of death, that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be swallowed up in the hopes of glory; and Aaron did expound all these things unto the king."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 22:13 - 14)

Aaron like so many other Book of Mormon prophets explained -

"...since man had fallen he could not merit anything of himself; but the sufferings and death of Christ atone for their sins, through faith and repentance, and so forth..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 22:14)

That is the very essence of the plan of salvation.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Alma 20

I think we learn a little bit about life in general as Mormon writes, speaking of the Aaron and his brethren in contrast to Ammon  -

" happened, it was their lot to have fallen into the hands of a more hardened and a more stiffnecked people..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 20:30)

This would suggest to me that "it happened" is that the God does not affect everything but allows in a corrupt and imperfect world that things will just happen.  It doesn't mean anyone is better or more righteous or that others are being punished.  It just happened that Ammon came to the people in the land of Ishmael and his brethren in more hardened areas.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Alma 19

As king Lamoni rises from his three day "sleep", he declares to his wife -

"...Blessed be the name of God, and blessed art thou.
13 For as sure as thou livest, behold, I have seen my Redeemer; and he shall come forth, and be born of a woman, and he shall redeem all mankind who believe on his name."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 19:12 - 13)

A short time later after his wife stood after have "fallen", she exclaimed -

"...with a loud voice, saying: O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell!  O blessed God, have mercy on this people!"  (Book of Mormon | Alma 19:29)

One cannot but wonder what happened during the "sleep" or "fallen" experience.  One things for sure, these must have been prepared and possessed a great deal of faith.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Alma 18

As Ammon is out tending the king's flock with the king's servants, having had the flock scattered my men at the waters of Sebus, Ammon sees a great opportunity to gain the allegiance of the servants, and ponders -

"...I will show forth my power unto these my fellow–servants, or the power which is in me, in restoring these flocks unto the king, that I may win the hearts of these my fellow–servants, that I may lead them to believe in my words."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 17:29)

As we read that, one cannot help but pause and wonder how Ammon knew he had such power.  Ammon would later ask king Lamoni -

"...Wilt thou hearken unto my words, if I tell thee by what power I do these things? "  (Book of Mormon | Alma 18:22)

He then explained the source of this power -

"...a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 18:35)

Power then comes through the Holy Ghost by knowledge, faith, and desires to do the will of God.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Alma 17

Mormon writes that of the sons of Mosiah that had gone amongst the Lamanite that -

"...they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
3 But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 17:2 - 3)

I note that these brethren were able to preach and teach with "power" as a result of searching the scriptures diligently, and much prayer, and fasting.

Also, I note that just because they were faithful and diligent did not mean they would not experience afflictions for -

"...for they had many afflictions; they did suffer much, both in body and in mind, such as hunger, thirst and fatigue, and also much labor in the spirit."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 17:5)

Yet -

"...the Lord did visit them with his Spirit, and said unto them: Be comforted.  And they were comforted.
11 And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 17:10 - 11)

Church service or doing the Lord's will and work was never intended to be easy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Alma 14

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines long-suffering as -

"suffering for a long time without complaining : very patient during difficult times"

And can't imagine a greater example of long-suffering or as I might say, "patience in affliction", as that of Alma and Amulek amongst the wicked leaders of Ammonihah.  The readers would have to read the entire chapters of 14 & 15 in the book of Alma.  But I will mentioned as they brought to the place of martyrdom where women and children were being consumed by fire, when -

"...Amulek saw the pains of the women and children who were consuming in the fire, he also was pained; and he said unto Alma: How can we witness this awful scene?  Therefore let us stretch forth our hands, and exercise the power of God which is in us, and save them from the flames.
11 But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory; and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 14:10 - 11)

It is amazing how the Lord allows agency to the destruction of many.  It would be interesting to count the number of times Alam and Amulek were "smote" in the face.  Mormon records much of this afflictions but also mentions -

"...many such things, yea, all manner of such things did they say unto them; and thus they did mock them for many days.  And they did withhold food from them that they might hunger, and water that they might thirst; and they also did take from them their clothes that they were naked; and thus they were bound with strong cords, and confined in prison."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 14:22)

No question this was long-suffering.  We are taught -

"No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned..."  (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 121:41)

Long-suffering and patience in affliction is part of our priesthood virtues.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Alma 13

To the impenitent of Ammonihah, Alma provides some basic rules to repent saying -

"...I wish from the inmost part of my heart, yea, with great anxiety even unto pain, that ye would hearken unto my words, and cast off your sins, and not procrastinate the day of your repentance;
28 But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;
29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 13:27 - 29)

I there a better summary?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Alma 12

As Alma taught the plan of salvation to the people of Ammonihah, and more specifically in answer to Antionah, he spoke of the story of Adam and Eve and the Tree of Life, saying -

"...I say unto you that if it had been possible for Adam to have partaken of the fruit of the tree of life at that time, there would have been no death, and the word would have been void, making God a liar, for he said: If thou eat thou shalt surely die."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:23)

Adding -

"...behold, if it were possible that our first parents could have gone forth and partaken of the tree of life they would have been forever miserable, having no preparatory state; and thus the plan of redemption would have been frustrated, and the word of God would have been void, taking none effect."   (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:26)

I want to specifically note two things.  Adam and Eve were told the consequence of their agency or choices.  They were told that if they chose to partake of the forbidden they would die.  Thus the consequence was that they did die and were not allowed (if possible and it wasn't) to have instant immortality.

The second point is that we are taught that we are here to experience agency and choice, find happiness or misery, and to progress or grow thereby finding joy and becoming more like our Father in Heaven.  Alma teaches that if Adam and Eve were not allowed to live in mortality in die, they would be miserable forever for the same reasons mentioned above.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Alma 10

Amulek argued before the lawyers and judges of Ammonihah -

"Ye do not understand; ye say that I have spoken against your law; but I have not, but I have spoken in favor of your law, to your condemnation.
27 And now behold, I say unto you, that the foundation of the destruction of this people is beginning to be laid by the unrighteousness of your lawyers and your judges."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 10:26 - 27)

Does this not sound much like our day...another warning.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Alma 9

As I read the warning of Alma to the people of Ammonihah, I couldn't help but compare it to our day.  I have taken the liberty to add couple words  in brackets for our day -

"...after having been delivered of God out of the land of Jerusalem [England}, by the hand of the Lord; having been saved from famine, and from sickness, and all manner of diseases of every kind; and they having waxed strong in battle, that they might not be destroyed; having been brought out of bondage time after time, and having been kept and preserved until now; and they have been prospered until they are rich in all manner of things—
23 And now behold I say unto you, that if this people, who have received so many blessings from the hand of the Lord, should transgress contrary to the light and knowledge which they do have, I say unto you that if this be the case, that if they should fall into transgression, it would be far more tolerable for the Lamanites [enemies]than for them."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 9:22 - 23)

There is no question that this nation has been delivered from our enemies and we have prospered greatly.  This warning is as much applicable to us as it was for the people of Ammonihah.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Alma 8

As I continue to study the preaching of the gospel of Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah, I pondered the commnets of Mormon that -

"...Alma went forth, and also Amulek, among the people, to declare the words of God unto them; and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
31 And they had power given unto them, insomuch that they could not be confined in dungeons; neither was it possible that any man could slay them; nevertheless they did not exercise their power until they were bound in bands and cast into prison.  Now, this was done that the Lord might show forth his power in them."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 8:30 - 31)

I can't help but marvel at these brethren's restraint and patience. That is, not to exercise this power until they have suffered much.  Maybe this is what "long-suffering" means...patience and restraint.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Alma 7

Alma's final comments to the people of Gideon -

"...I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
24 And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 7:23 - 24)

I noted to things in this counsel.  First being that we should "always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive".  I wonder how often our prayers fail in this manner.

I also noted that if we have faith, hope and charity or the love of Christ, the result will be that we will always about in good works.  Or in my mind, we will be taking upon us the name of Christ.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Alma 5

At the conclusion of Alma's remarks to the people of Zarahemla, he provides what I think great counsel -

"I speak by way of command unto you that belong to the church; and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:62)

I find it interesting that we should speak unto what I consider the active members of the Church by way of commandment.  But to those that are not members or in my mind, less active, we should speak by way of invitation.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Alma 5

Continuing some thoughts yesterday, Alma asked -

"Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God?  Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble?  That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?"  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:27)

My thoughts today is...what is that walk, keeping yourselves blameless such that your garments have been cleansed and made white?  In my mind being cleansed and white is as

"...Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, and also all the holy prophets, whose garments are cleansed and are spotless, pure and white..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:24)

We are taught in modern day -

"...that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day..."  (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 59:9)

In my mind, to be cleansed and being spotless, the walk is repentance, keeping the commandments, and attending sacrament meeting each week.

Alma 5

Alma asked the saints of Zarahemla -

" I ask of you on what conditions are they saved?..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:10)

He also asks -

" brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God?  Have ye received his image in your countenances?  Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you?..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:14 - 15)

It appears to me that one of those conditions is where he asks -

"...can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:16)

He answers the words of the Savior -

"...Come unto me and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely;
35 Yea, come unto me and bring forth works of righteousness..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:34 - 35)

For -

"Behold, I say unto you, that the good shepherd doth call you; yea, and in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:38)

"Therefore, if a man bringeth forth good works he hearkeneth unto the voice of the good shepherd, and he doth follow him..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 5:41)

Monday, April 04, 2016

Alma 4

Seeing the great inequality that was entering into the Church, he gave up his position as chief judge, for -

"...this he did that he himself might go forth among his people, or among the people of Nephi, that he might preach the word of God unto them, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty, and that he might pull down, by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were among his people, seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:19)

Mormon is teaching a great truth, that we are instruments in the hands of God as we teach the word of God and bear pure testimony.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Alma 1

Mormon made a great comparison between the faithful and charitable of the Church and those that chose not to believe writing -

", because of the steadiness of the church they began to be exceedingly rich, having abundance of all things whatsoever they stood in need—an abundance of flocks and herds, and fatlings of every kind, and also abundance of grain, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious things, and abundance of silk and fine-twined linen, and all manner of good homely cloth.
30 And thus, in their prosperous circumstances, they did not send away any who were naked, or that were hungry, or that were athirst, or that were sick, or that had not been nourished; and they did not set their hearts upon riches; therefore they were liberal to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, whether out of the church or in the church, having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need.
31 And thus they did prosper and become far more wealthy than those who did not belong to their church."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:29 - 31)

Explaining -

"For those who did not belong to their church did indulge themselves in sorceries, and in idolatry or idleness, and in babblings, and in envyings and strife; wearing costly apparel; being lifted up in the pride of their own eyes; persecuting, lying, thieving, robbing, committing whoredoms, and murdering, and all manner of wickedness..."  (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:32)

Again, wise counsel and warnings to our day.