In preface to reading Paul's writing on the "Gifts of the Spirit", Elder Orson Pratt taught -
“Whenever the Holy Ghost takes up its residence in a person, it not only cleanses, sanctifies, and purifies him, in proportion as he yields himself to its influence, but also imparts to him some gift, intended for the benefit of himself and others… all Saints who constitute the Church of Christ, are baptized into the same Spirit; and each one, without any exception, is made a partaker of some spiritual gift… Each member does not receive all these gifts; [they] are distributed among the members of the Church, according to their faithfulness, circumstances, natural abilities, duties, and callings; that the whole may be properly instructed, confirmed, perfected, and saved.” (Masterful Discourses, pp. 539– 41.)
Of all these gifts I noted -
" another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit..." (1 Corinthians 12:9)
Of which the Prophet Joseph Smith taught -
“These signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils, etc., should follow all that believe, whether male or female.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 224.)