Alma 37
As Alma passes the sacred records to his son, Helaman, he testifies that the Lord -
"...will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you..." (Book of Mormon | Alma 37:17)
That has to be very assuring as individuals review their patriarchal blessings. Alma then explains why he knows that -
"...for he has fulfilled his promises which he has made unto our fathers."
(Book of Mormon | Alma 37:17)
But as always, His promises are conditionalas Alma referred to the Liahona -
"for as our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass (now these things were temporal) they did not prosper; even so it is with things which are spiritual.
44 For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to the promised land.
45 And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise.
46 O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever." (Book of Mormon | Alma 37:43 - 46)
Therefore -
"...never be weary of good meek and lowly in heart..." (Book of Mormon | Alma 37:34)
"...learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.
36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day." (Book of Mormon | Alma 37:35 - 37)
In doing so, His promises will be fulfilled.