Helaman 3
Mormon teaches the secrets to remaining faithful, writing -
This weblog is my personal online scripture journal. I try to read the scriptures each morning as I exercise on my cross-trainer. It has a great impact on my life and my testimony of the Savior and his restored church. The journal is really for my own benefit but I have set it up as a web log in hopes to benefit anyone else that may be interested. "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Nephi 10:19
Mormon teaches the secrets to remaining faithful, writing -
Mormon explains the purpose of the Gadianton Robbers -
"...it was his object to murder, and also that it was the object of all those who belonged to his band to murder, and to rob, and to gain power, (and this was their secret plan, and their combination..." (Helaman 2:8)
Mormon then warns that this Satanic objective would -
"...prove the overthrow, yea, almost the entire destruction of the people of Nephi." (Helaman 2:13)
As a warning to us today, Mormon writes that their was a group that -
"...raised up in rebellion and sought to destroy the liberty of the people." (Helaman 1:8)
There are recent theories that the land of Mulek was in North America and the narrow strip of land leading northward were the great lakes. We read that -
"...Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.
6 And behold, there were many of the Nephites who did enter therein and did sail forth with much provisions, and also many women and children; and they took their course northward. And thus ended the thirty and seventh year.
7 And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward." (Alma 63:5–7)
There have always been claims that the Polynesians were descendants of these people. If recent theories are correct, this would not be the case.
After years of war and then the preaching of Helaman and his brothers -
"...the people of Nephi began to prosper again in the land, and began to multiply and to wax exceedingly strong again in the land. And they began to grow exceedingly rich.
49 But notwithstanding their riches, or their strength, or their prosperity, they were not lifted up in the pride of their eyes; neither were they slow to remember the Lord their God; but they did humble themselves exceedingly before him.
50 Yea, they did remember how great things the Lord had done for them, that he had delivered them from death, and from bonds, and from prisons, and from all manner of afflictions, and he had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies.
51 And they did pray unto the Lord their God continually, insomuch that the Lord did bless them, according to his word, so that they did wax strong and prosper in the land." (Alma 62:48–51)
I noticed in Pahoran's response to Moroni, he provides two important principles. First Pahoran counsels -
"...according to the Spirit of God, which is also the spirit of freedom..." (Alma 61:15)
In other words, the Holy Ghost inspires freedom. And thus concerning freedom, Pahoran responds -
"...I was somewhat worried concerning what we should do, whether it should be just in us to go against our brethren.
20 But ye have said, except they repent the Lord hath commanded you that ye should go against them." (Alma 61:19–20)
I might get some feedback for this, but this morning as I read Moroni's epistle to Pahoran, I couldn't help but picture our president doing the same thing with mayors and governors having all the current violence and protests. Some of Moroni's words include -
"...Yea, great has been your neglect towards us.
6 And now behold, we desire to know the cause of this exceedingly great neglect; yea, we desire to know the cause of your thoughtless state." (Alma 60:5–6)
Though we know that the survival of the Sons of Helaman were miraculous, Helaman also writes -
After having won a battle with many lives lost, the Nephites expressed -
"...blessed is the name of our God; for behold, it is he that has delivered us; yea, that has done this great thing for us.
36 Now it came to pass that when I, Helaman, had heard these words of Gid, I was filled with exceeding joy because of the goodness of God in preserving us, that we might not all perish; yea, and I trust that the souls of them who have been slain have entered into the rest of their God." (Alma 57:35–36)
Gratitude , especially in rough times, seems to be one of the grandest virtues.
Adding to my blog last Tuesday, Helaman adds not only that they were "young", but also -
"...my little sons..." (Alma 56:39)
Leading to the miracle -
"...never were men known to have fought with such miraculous strength; and with such mighty power..." (Alma 56:56)
Of one that has been taught truth, -
Moroni is obviously bold as he says to Ammoron -
"Behold, I would tell you somewhat concerning the justice of God, and the sword of his almighty wrath, which doth hang over you except ye repent..." (Alma 54:6)
Helaman says of those he called his sons or as we call the Sons of Helaman -
"...they were all young men..." (Alma 53:20)
Explaining that they were -
"...stripling soldiers..." (Alma 53:22)
Even though, in many battles, we find Captain Moroni is successful, but I still note -
"...there were many slain on both sides..." (Alma 52:35)
Obviously, many of these men were faithful saints. This has always been the case in defending freedom and righteousness.
The Lord's perspective is an eternal perspective.
We learn the intent of the "king-men" that they were -
"...those who were in favor of kings were those of high birth, and they sought to be kings; and they were supported by those who sought power and authority over the people.: (Alma 51:8)
As I have recently watched several documentaries on U.S. expansion, it became clear that it was necessary to protect a young America against its adversaries including Great Britain, France, Mexico, Native Americans and so forth. This morning I read that Moroni -
"...it came to pass that Moroni caused that his armies should go forth into the east wilderness; yea, and they went forth and drove all the Lamanites who were in the east wilderness into their own lands, which were south of the land of Zarahemla.
8 And the land of Nephi did run in a straight course from the east sea to the west.
9 And it came to pass that when Moroni had driven all the Lamanites out of the east wilderness, which was north of the lands of their own possessions, he caused that the inhabitants who were in the land of Zarahemla and in the land round about should go forth into the east wilderness, even to the borders by the seashore, and possess the land." (Alma 50:7–9)
Since the beginning of time, land claim and war determined ownership. In this case it was necessary for safety and protection.
Amalickiah, being a scheming and very wicked man -
"...began to inspire the hearts of the Lamanites against the people of Nephi; yea, he did appoint men to speak unto the Lamanites from their towers, against the Nephites." (Alma 48:1)
It is amazing to me how quickly the Lamanites are deceived by Amalickiah.
"And it came to pass that Amalickiah sought the favor of the queen, and took her unto him to wife; and thus by his fraud, and by the assistance of his cunning servants, he obtained the kingdom; yea, he was acknowledged king throughout all the land, among all the people of the Lamanites, who were composed of the Lamanites and the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites, and all the dissenters of the Nephites, from the reign of Nephi down to the present time." (Alma 47:35)
It is a warning to all of us how quickly we can be deceived.
Mormon takes the opportunity to teach an important principle writing -
"...whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.
21 And it came to pass that when Moroni had proclaimed these words, behold, the people came running together with their armor girded about their loins, rending their garments in token, or as a covenant, that they would not forsake the Lord their God; or, in other words, if they should transgress the commandments of God, or fall into transgression, and be ashamed to take upon them the name of Christ, the Lord should rend them even as they had rent their garments." (Alma 46:20–21)
As Alma was turning over the records to Helaman, and about to leave -
"...he blessed him, and also his other sons; and he also blessed the earth for the righteous’ sake.
16 And he said: Thus saith the Lord God—Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, unto destruction, which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe; and as I have said so shall it be; for this is the cursing and the blessing of God upon the land, for the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance." (Alma 45:15–16)
I find this a great warning for our country.
Yesterday, I blogged concerning the anger of those that want power. But in addition, Moroni say -
"...And now I would that ye should understand that this is done unto us because of our religion and our faith in Christ. And now ye see that ye cannot destroy this our faith.
4 Now ye see that this is the true faith of God; yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion; and never will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith." (Alma 44:3–4)