D&C 68 - 72
As I finished Section 72, my thoughts were more on the phenominal year of 1831. 1831 began with a revelation (section 38) given in Fayette, New York. From there the Prophet Joseph Smith and Emma moved to Kirtland, Ohio by horse and sleigh in the middle of the winter. Later that summer, the Prophet travels to Jackson County, Missouri to begin the gathering of the saints in Zion, and then returns to finish the year in Hiram, Ohio by Kirtland. Without taking the time to actually count, the Prophet received around 35 to 40 revelations in that year. It is obvious that there was no plan on the Prophets part how these revelations were to be received. As we now have the opportunity to study them, it is easy to see the Lord's plan as principles and laws are giving line upon line and precept upon precept.
While the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon were translating the Bible, the Prophet received a revelation that they were to temporarily set aside their work on the Bible and proceed to preach the gospel -
"1 BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon, that the time has verily come that it is necessary and expedient in me that you should open your mouths in proclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding the mysteries thereof out of the scriptures, according to that portion of Spirit and power which shall be given unto you, even as I will.
2 Verily I say unto you, proclaim unto the world in the regions round about, and in the church also..." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 71:1 - 2)
And the Lord instructs them -
"...for the space of a season, even until it shall be made known unto you.
3 Verily this is a mission for a season, which I give unto you." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 71:2 - 3)
As I liken the scriptures to me, it becomes apparent that the Lord calls or gives unto us as members by revelation to serve in callings or "mission" for a period of time or "season" until we are released or "until it shall be made know unto [us]". It is during this season that we are to "labor ye in my vineyard" in that mission or work in making a difference. "Wherefore, keep my commandments; they are true and faithful." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 71:11)
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