Genesis 10
As it is generally obvious, the Bible is generally a record of the posterity of Abraham or being a little bit more specific, through his grandson, Jacob. Thus Moses has a distinct interest in this ancestry line as he records the posterity of Noah.
As Moses, records the offspring of Shem, he specifically notes -
"These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
21 ¶ Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born." (Old Testament | Genesis 10:20 - 21)
David J. Ridges explained -
"Some Bible scholars believe that “Hebrew” is a form of the word “Eber.” See Bible Dictionary, under “Hebrew.” Whatever the case, Abraham is a direct descendant of Eber, and was the first man in the Bible to be referred to as a “Hebrew” (see Genesis 14: 13). The Hebrews, well-known in the Bible, are direct descendants of Abraham. For example, the children of Israel are often referred to as “Hebrews” (see Genesis 41: 12, where Joseph in Egypt is referred to as “an Hebrew.” (Ridges, David J. (2008-05-21). The Old Testament Made Easier - Part 1
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