Alma 4
As priesthood leaders contemplate the causes and effects over whom they preside, the events that followed a great mourning period after the loss of many nephite warriors gives some guidance. Mormon records two types of causes and effects in the Church writing that some of -
"...the people of the church began to be lifted up in the pride of their eyes, and to set their hearts upon riches and upon the vain things of the world, that they began to be scornful, one towards another, and they began to persecute those that did not believe according to their own will and pleasure." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:8)
And as a result -
"...there began to be great contentions among the people of the church; yea, there were envyings, and strife, and malice, and persecutions, and pride, even to exceed the pride of those who did not belong to the church of God.
10 And thus ended the eighth year of the reign of the judges; and the wickedness of the church was a great stumbling-block to those who did not belong to the church; and thus the church began to fail in its progress." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:9 - 10)
And with those of of great pride and and setting their hearts on the things of this world there became a -
"...great inequality among the people, some lifting themselves up with their pride, despising others, turning their backs upon the needy and the naked and those who were hungry, and those who were athirst, and those who were sick and afflicted." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:12)
Again, the three great temptations of pride, materialism or worldly possessions, and immorality (not mentioned in these versed) seem to always cause a falling away. While at the same time, there -
"...others were abasing themselves, succoring those who stood in need of their succor, such as imparting their substance to the poor and the needy, feeding the hungry, and suffering all manner of afflictions, for Christ's sake, who should come according to the spirit of prophecy;
14 Looking forward to that day, thus retaining a remission of their sins; being filled with great joy because of the resurrection of the dead, according to the will and power and deliverance of Jesus Christ from the bands of death." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:13 - 14)
And with that -
"...the persecutions which were heaped upon them by the remainder of his people, and seeing all their inequality, began to be very sorrowful; nevertheless the Spirit of the Lord did not fail him." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:15)
What is a priesthood leader to do? As a example, Alma -
"...did that he himself might go forth among his people, or among the people of Nephi, that he might preach the word of God unto them, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty, and that he might pull down, by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were among his people, seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them." (Book of Mormon | Alma 4:19)
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