Alma 1
I am always amazed how much the Book of Mormon relates to our day. In the first year of their new democracy, with Alma as the chief leader of the land, came a man named Nehor (using the doctrine of free speech) -
"...declaring unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people.
4 And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:3 - 4)
This seems to be the attitude of most people in our day in that there is no sin or it has no consequence and as long as you are considered "good", all will be well. What is interesting is that as -
"...he did teach these things so much that many did believe on his words, even so many that they began to support him and give him money." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:5)
Nephi taught that -
"...priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion.
30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing..." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 26:29 - 30)
This seems so prevelant, especially in political circles. As Nehor used his free speech, Alma comments -
"...were priestcraft to be enforced among this people it would prove their entire destruction." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:12)
But even so, due to the law -
"...this did not put an end to the spreading of priestcraft through the land; for there were many who loved the vain things of the world, and they went forth preaching false doctrines; and this they did for the sake of riches and honor.
17 Nevertheless, they durst not lie, if it were known, for fear of the law, for liars were punished; therefore they pretended to preach according to their belief; and now the law could have no power on any man for his belief." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:16 - 17)
Again, we see many leaders and celebrities of our day suggest that false doctrine are their beliefs. And of the righteous, these unbelievers cannot leave alone for like today -
"...they did persecute them, and afflict them with all manner of words, and this because of their humility; because they were not proud in their own eyes, and because they did impart the word of God, one with another, without money and without price." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:20)
But nonetheless, the true followers of Jesus Christ -
"...were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.
26 And when the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.
27 And they did impart of their substance, every man according to that which he had, to the poor, and the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted; and they did not wear costly apparel, yet they were neat and comely." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:25 - 27)
But what is interesting as these righteous members of the Church did live after the manner of "Zion" where -
"...the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."
(Pearl of Great Price | Moses 7:18)
When they lived after this manner of Zion, Mormon writes -
"And thus they did prosper and become far more wealthy than those who did not belong to their church." (Book of Mormon | Alma 1:31)
Isn't it interesting when we follow the commandments and teachings of the Lord, we will prosper in the land. Wealth acquired in this manner is after the Lord's way of prosperity.
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