2 Nephi 6 - 8
Jacob, the younger brother of Nephi -
"...having been called of God, and ordained after the manner of his holy order, and having been consecrated by my brother Nephi..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:2)
Is directed by Nephi to teach the people -
"...concerning things which are, and which are to come; wherefore, I will read you the words of Isaiah. And they are the words which my brother has desired that I should speak unto you... and now, the words which I shall read are they which Isaiah spake concerning all the house of Israel; wherefore, they may be likened unto you, for ye are of the house of Israel." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:4 - 5)
As you read the small plates of Nephi, you can sense the the words of Isaiah were very important to Nephi and Jacob and should be taught to the people. As I read these words, I can somewhat understand why Nephi and Jacob felt this way. They had taught their children and followers to believe in Christ in all righteousness. Isaiah taught the same. But Isaiah also wrote of things to come and blessing of obedience as well as the destruction and sorrow of the disobedience.
To the believers of Christ -
"HEARKEN unto me, ye that follow after righteousness...." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 8:1)
"...blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his covenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:12)
"...and the people of the Lord shall not be ashamed. For the people of the Lord are they who wait for him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:13)
"...the Messiah will set himself again the second time to recover them; wherefore, he will manifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:14)
"...for the Mighty God shall deliver his covenant people." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:17)
But of the disobedient -
"...they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:13)
"And they that believe not in him shall be destroyed, both by fire, and by tempest, and by earthquakes, and by bloodsheds, and by pestilence, and by famine. And they shall know that the Lord is God, the Holy One of Israel..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:15)
"...And I will feed them that oppress thee, with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:18)
For the day will come, whether by blessings or destruction, that -
"...all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 6:18)
"Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean."
(Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 8:24)
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