D&C 11
As the Lord instructs Hyrum Smith, he teaches us an important doctrine -
"Behold, I speak unto all who have good desires...." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 11:27)
This suggest to me that much of the revelations, doctrines, and principles taught in the revelations apply to all for -
"...verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 61:36)
It is any wonder that Nephi wrote -
"...for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning." (Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 19:23)
It is in the revelations then that we learn, though spoken in ancient records, but for the first time in modern-day revelation -
"...I say unto you, that as many as receive me, to them will I give power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on my name..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 11:30)
"Become" the sons of God suggests receiving exaltation for the Savior declared -
"...Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my daughters." (Book of Mormon | Ether 3:14)
And joint-heirs with Him.
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