Alma 12
After Amulek had seem to catch Zeezrom in his lying motives, Alma stands to address Zeezrom and the people. What I find to be of great worth is the method by which Alma uses with his attacker, Zeezrom, to some how allow him embarrassment and a way out. A way out that would allow meaningful conversation without a direct attack on his pride and ego. Alma seems to place blame of Zeezrom's attack and motives to the Satan as Alma responds -
"...thou seest that we know that thy plan was a very subtle plan, as to the subtlety of the devil, for to lie and to deceive this people that thou mightest set them against us, to revile us and to cast us out—
5 Now this was a plan of thine adversary, and he hath exercised his power in thee." (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:4 - 5)
In my mind, Alma is suggesting to Zeezrom that his emotions and actions were motivated or influence by Satan for -
"...this was a snare of the adversary, which he has laid to catch this people, that he might bring you into subjection unto him, that he might encircle you about with his chains, that he might chain you down to everlasting destruction, according to the power of his captivity." (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:6)
By seeming to blame Satan allowed to Zeezrom an opportunity to escape this influence and choose to follow his teachings and testimony. It apparently woworked as -
"...Zeezrom began to tremble more exceedingly, for he was convinced more and more of the power of God..." (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:7)
We know of this affect as a humble and teachable -
"...Zeezrom began to inquire of them diligently, that he might know more concerning the kingdom of God..." (Book of Mormon | Alma 12:8)
Alma provides us a great teaching method as we are confronted by those who would want to challenge us. We don't want contention but communication. The Spirit cannot influence with the spirit of contention. Again, the method is don't blame the individual, but blame the influences around him with the explanation that the Lord can influence us for good.
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