D&C 101
As word of the conditions of the saints in Zion began to trickle in to Kirtland, the Lord again began to outline the purpose of this life and the conditions and a His will concerning that plan. He begins -
"...concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out from the land of their inheritance—
2 I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their transgressions..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:1 - 2)
I note that part of His plan is that He allows (using the word "suffer) these things to happen...even confessing that these He considers to be the valiant as he reveals -
"Yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:3)
"Yet" would suggest they still have much to learn and prove -
"Therefore, they must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son.
5 For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified. (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:4 - 5)
The more we ponder "even as Abraham" seems significant to me! Thus affliction and chastening is part of the process whereby we may become sanctified. Why? Because without such we tend to become slothful and forgetful for -
"They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble.
8 In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:7 - 8)
But the Lord again comforts us if we are willing to repent and endure -
"...notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled with compassion towards them. I will not utterly cast them off; and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:9)
Tribulations, trials, and chastening should not be confused with His wrath where -
I have sworn, and the decree hath gone forth by a former commandment which I have given unto you, that I would let fall the sword of mine indignation in behalf of my people; and even as I have said, it shall come to pass.
11 Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all nations; and this will I do when the cup of their iniquity is full." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:10 - 11)
With these teachings, the Lord provides some interesting insights to me. The first being that -
"Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered.
18 They that remain, and are pure in heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of Zion—" (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:17 - 18)
It becomes apparent that Zion will not become a glorious place in the short term because the saints will be "scattered". But I not the when they return to Zion it will be a "waste place" which means to me that the place will be either desolate or abandoned and there will be no opposition.
The second point I noticed was that in the last days, the world will be full of wickedness and there will not be and unhabitable place to flee to as we have found amongst many righteous throughtout the scriptures. Therefore the Lord instructs -
"...there is none other place appointed than that which I have appointed; neither shall there be any other place appointed than that which I have appointed, for the work of the gathering of my saints—
21 Until the day cometh when there is found no more room for them; and then I have other places which I will appoint unto them, and they shall be called stakes, for the curtains or the strength of Zion.
22 Behold, it is my will, that all they who call on my name, and worship me according to mine everlasting gospel, should gather together, and stand in holy places..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:20 - 22)
In the last days then, the saints will be instructed to gather in stakes of Zion and "stand in Holy places"
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