D&C 98
As the Lord continues to teach His will concerning being offended or smitten by others, war, and forgiveness, He said something that was of interest to me -
"For they do not forsake their sins, and their wicked ways, the pride of their hearts, and their covetousness, and all their detestable things, and observe the words of wisdom and eternal life which I have given unto them.
21 Verily I say unto you, that I, the Lord, will chasten them and will do whatsoever I list, if they do not repent and observe all things whatsoever I have said unto them.
22 And again I say unto you, if ye observe to do whatsoever I command you, I, the Lord, will turn away all wrath and indignation from you, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 98:20 - 22)
Then He adds -
"Now, I speak unto you concerning your families—if men will smite you, or your families, once, and ye bear it patiently and revile not against them, neither seek revenge, ye shall be rewarded..." (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 98:23)
In both cases, the recipient experiences pain and tribulation. But one is the result of disobedience to the commandments which is the justice of God. The other is allowed by the Lord to help us grow and develop the strengths of godliness. The first being a punishment, the other being a blessing. Yet, both are not necessarily a pleasant experience. My thoughts are that we have to be careful in tribulation assuming that we are being punished. We may be even being blesses with the love of God.
I am not going to address all the guidelines the Lord gives with offenses, war, and forgiveness for that are had in this revelation. But I would like to add a quote from a modern day prophet concerning the Lord's will regarding reasons to participate in was as outlined by President David O. McKay -
“There are, however, two conditions which may justify a truly Christian man to enter—mind you, I say enter, not begin—a war: (1) An attempt to dominate and to deprive another of his free agency, and (2) Loyalty to his country. Possibly there is a third, viz., Defense of a weak nation that is being unjustly crushed by a strong, ruthless one. “Paramount among these reasons, of course, is the defense of man's freedom. An attempt to rob man of his free agency caused dissension even in heaven…. “To deprive an intelligent human being of his free agency is to commit the crime of the ages…. “So fundamental in man's eternal progress is his inherent right to choose, that the Lord would defend it even at the price of war. Without freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom of action within lawful bounds, man cannot progress….
“The greatest responsibility of the state is to guard the lives, and to protect the property and rights of its citizens; and if the state is obligated to protect its citizens from lawlessness within its boundaries, it is equally obligated to protect them from lawless encroachments from without—whether the attacking criminals be individuals or nations.” (in Conference Report, April 1942, pages 72–73)
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