Abraham 5
As one reads the versions of the creation in the books of Genesis, Moses, and Abraham, there are some discrepancies between them. I personally do not think that the discrepancies matter. But what seems to stand out to me that really matters is that there was a purpose and a "plan". And what seems to me of even greater significance is that there was an eternal council that counseled together regarding the plan. For God has specifically said -
"Behold, I am God; Man of Holiness is my name; Man of Counsel is my name; and Endless and Eternal is my name, also." (Pearl of Great Price Moses 7:35)
And being a "Man of Counsel", we learn that -
"...the Gods took counsel among themselves and said: Let us go down and form man in our image, after our likeness; and we will give them dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 4:26)
"And the Gods said: We will do everything that we have said, and organize them; and behold, they shall be very obedient." (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 4:31)
But the plan was established before the creation took place -
"...for the Gods had not caused it to rain upon the earth when they counseled to do them, and had not formed a man to till the ground." (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 5:5)
For -
"...thus were their decisions at the time that they counseled among themselves to form the heavens and the earth." (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 5:3)
I believe "to counsel" whether in the Church, in the home, or as husband and wife is an essential component in our personal eternal growth and development.
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