2 Nephi 26
Nephi teaches us of the Savior -
"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 26:24)
"...for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 26:24)
My thoughts are combine that with the teachings of Paul -
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." (New Testament Hebrews 10:36)
These two verses puts the burden on us to move forward in faith. For -
"...he manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 26:13)
Moroni teaches us a profound principle as we strive to move forward in faith -
"...But in the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way; and it is by faith that it hath been fulfilled.
12 For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them..." (Book of Mormon Ether 12:11 - 12)
We must have faith that -
"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world..." (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 26:24)
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