1 Nephi 16
We find an interesting piece of information as Nephi writes -
"...that as I, Nephi, went forth to slay food, behold, I did break my bow, which was made of fine steel..." (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 16:18)
Very seldom do we find the use of the word "steel" in the scriptures. Tells us of Laban's sword that -
"...the hilt thereof was of pure gold, and the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine, and I saw that the blade thereof was of the most precious steel." (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 4:9)
Steel by definition includes carbon and tends to be more malleable than cast iron. Experience with steel in our day tends to be elastic and very seldom breaks, but first deforms losing its elasticity. The steel of Nephi's day must have been much more hard in that Nephi says "I did break my bow". This isn't the first in bibical time when steel bows were broken. David also claims -
"...that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms..." (Old Testament 2 Samuel 22:35)
suggesting, bows of steel (of whatever makeup) were common in those days. It appears that Nephi had a great deal of experience in the making of steel and may have made his own bow for when the Lord instructed him to build a ship, he immediately responded -
"...whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I may make tools to construct the ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?
10 And it came to pass that the Lord told me whither I should go to find ore, that I might make tools.
11 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did make a bellows wherewith to blow the fire, of the skins of beasts; and after I had made a bellows, that I might have wherewith to blow the fire, I did smite two stones together that I might make fire." (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 17:9 - 11)
It think all this is quite interesting for those that may question steel being available in the Americas.
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