Elder Neil L. Andersen - Drawing Closer to the Savior
Elder Andersen, using the parable of the Wheat and Tares explained -
"The Lord explained that in this final time prior to His return, the “wheat,” whom He describes as “the children of the kingdom,”5 would grow side by side with the “tares,” or those who do not love God and do not keep His commandments. They would “both grow together,”6 side by side."
Because of that, he taught -
"We realize that as evil increases in the world, our spiritual survival, and the spiritual survival of those we love, will require that we more fully nurture, fortify, and strengthen the roots of our faith in Jesus Christ..."
He taught three ways to root our faith in Jesus Christ:
"First, we can immerse ourselves more completely into Jesus’s life, His teachings, His majesty, His power, and His atoning sacrifice. The Savior said, “Look unto me in every thought.”"
"Next, as we better know and love the Savior, we desire even more to promise Him our allegiance and trust. We make covenants with Him. We begin with our promises at baptism, and we confirm these promises and others as we repent daily, ask for forgiveness, and eagerly anticipate receiving the sacrament each week. We pledge to “always remember him and keep his commandments.”"
Adding -
"When we are ready, we embrace the ordinances and covenants of the temple. Feeling the influence of eternity in our sacred, quiet moments in the house of the Lord, we gladly make covenants with God and strengthen our resolve to keep them."
"Finally, my third thought: in this sacred quest, we treasure, protect, defend, and safeguard the gift of the Holy Ghost. Both President M. Russell Ballard earlier and Elder Kevin W. Pearson just moments ago spoke of President Nelson’s prophetic warning that I will repeat again: “It will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”"
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