D&C 23
As several brethren again approached the Prophet concerning their duties, the Lord provided individual instructions and some warnings. I note that Oliver Cowdery was warned -
"...beware of pride, lest thou shouldst enter into temptation." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 23:1)
History records that this warning was prophecy fulfilled. Oliver, having received many special revelations with the Prophet, having been with the Prophet with the restoration of the priesthood, holding the keys of the kingdom with the Prophet and being the second elder of the Church or in a sense an assistant or co-president, could not handle not being given priority treatment in Missouri. As a result of pride, Oliver was eventually excommunicated from the Church.
Pride was one of the downfalls of many in the Nephite nation. Pride continues to challenge many in the Church today. Thank goodness, Oliver eventually humbly repented and returned to full fellowship in the Church.
I note the the duty of the Prophet's father and two of his brothers were to -
"...to exhortation, and to strengthen the church..." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 23:4)
Exhortation and strengthening the Church is a wide spread duty but would include leadership, preaching and teaching, missionary work, visiting the poor and needy, and the list goes on and on.
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