2 Nephi 31
In yesterday's blog, I spoke of the "Doctrine of Christ" and the Gift of the Holy Ghost as an integral part of that doctrine. Nephi had taught that after baptism -
"...then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels..." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 31:13)
With that, Nephi explains -
"Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?
3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 32:2 - 3)
In my mind, "the words of Christ" is that which Christ would or has taught. When Moroni visited the Prophet Joseph Smith, much of his message was scriptural quotes of the prophets. But I also believe that "the words of Christ" are words of testimony of the divinity of the Savior, His atonement and resurrection. It is these words that tell us all things we should do. Though this doctrine is part of the overall doctrine of Christ, it is considered that -
"...this is the doctrine of Christ..." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 32:6)
Nephi adds another essential principle that would must follow that is related to this doctrine -
"...if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.
9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul." (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 32:8 - 9)
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