1 Samuel 26 - 30
Alma taught -
"...I would that ye should remember that the Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these things unto the people.
2 And those priests were ordained after the order of his Son, in a manner that thereby the people might know in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption...." (Book of Mormon Alma 13:1 - 2)
As the Savior organized his Church, men who had become in a sense, a member of this holy order, were ordained as Paul taught -
"....apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..." (New Testament Ephesians 4:11 - 12)
Of these, some were set apart or anointed to preside for a period over other members of his holy order. Some of those that preside are given special keys to authorize ordinations to this holy order of God. To Peter the Savior said -
"...I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (New Testament Matthew 16:19)
In modern day, the Lord said of the Prophet Joseph Smith -
"...Unto whom I have given the keys of the kingdom, which belong always unto the Presidency of the High Priesthood..." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 81:2)
Within this holy order, we recognize and honor those that preside. We may love and respect the individual who presides, but it is more the position that we recognize and honor. Most that preside only preside of a period of time and then are released and another presides in his stead. As members of this holy order, we have an obligation to recognize and honor the position and he that has been set apart to do so.
We see this great principle evidenced between Saul and David. Saul felt a significant threat to his role as King from David. He desired to take David's life. David knew that and on two occasions could have easily ended the threat to his life killing Saul, but David recognized that Saul had been set apart or anointed to be King by the prophet Samuel. On the first occasion that David had a chance to take Saul's life, he opted to -
"...cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privily..." (Old Testament 1 Samuel 24:4)
while Saul slept. David explained to his men why he didn't kill him -
"...The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD's anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD...." (Old Testament 1 Samuel 24:6)
The second time -
"...David and Abishai came to the people by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the trench, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster: but Abner and the people lay round about him." (Old Testament 1 Samuel 26:7)
And David -
"...David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bolster; and they gat them away, and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither awaked: for they were all asleep; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them." (Old Testament 1 Samuel 26:12)
"Then said Abishai to David, God hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day: now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth at once..." (Old Testament 1 Samuel 26:8)
But again, David taught this great principle -
"...Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD's anointed, and be guiltless?" (Old Testament 1 Samuel 26:9)
Whether we necessarily agree or like those that have been anointed to preside, we should continue to recognize and honor those in the position for -
"...for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD's anointed, and be guiltless?" (Old Testament 1 Samuel 26:9)
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