Numbers 5 - 9
In high school, I remember a song in choir that I really liked. It began something like "May the Lord bless you and keep you." As I read this morning, I noticed many of the lyrics of the song followed these verses -
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." (Old Testament Numbers 6:24 - 26)
And with these verses are the following -
"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
23 Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them...they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them." (Old Testament Numbers 6:22 - 27)
After King Benjamin had taught his people that salvation comes by the atonement of Jesus Christ, the people cried with on voice -
"...we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days..." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 5:5)
And being thus willing, King Benjamin tells them -
", because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 5:7)
And the Savior himself -
"...thus becoming the Father and Son..." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 15:3)
"And under this head ye are made free, and there is no other head whereby ye can be made free. There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh..." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 5:8)
And becoming His sons and His Daughters, King Benjamin tells them -
"...I would that ye should take upon you the name of Christ, all you that have entered into the covenant with God that ye should be obedient unto the end of your lives.
9 And it shall come to pass that whosoever doeth this shall be found at the right hand of God, for he shall know the name by which he is called; for he shall be called by the name of Christ.
(Book of Mormon Mosiah 5:8 - 9)
"And I would that ye should remember also, that this is the name that I said I should give unto you that never should be blotted out, except it be through transgression...I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts...that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 5:11 - 12)
For -
"...there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 3:17)
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