Scripture Blog

This weblog is my personal online scripture journal. I try to read the scriptures each morning as I exercise on my cross-trainer. It has a great impact on my life and my testimony of the Savior and his restored church. The journal is really for my own benefit but I have set it up as a web log in hopes to benefit anyone else that may be interested. "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Nephi 10:19

Friday, August 09, 2024

Elder Neil L. Andersen - Temples, Houses of the Lord Dottin the Earth

 Elder Anderson taught - 

"The Lord warned that in the last days, there would be distress among nations, people would “be lovers of their own selves,” “all things [would] be in commotion,” confusion would abound, and “men’s hearts [would] fail them.” We have certainly seen men’s and women’s hearts fail them: the enticements of the world, the distraction of alluring voices, the neglect of spiritual nourishment, the fatigue from the demands of discipleship. Perhaps you have been saddened as you have seen someone you love, who at one time spoke sincerely of his or her faith in Jesus Christ, bore witness of the Book of Mormon, and eagerly helped build the kingdom of God, suddenly move away, at least for now, from his or her beliefs and toward the sidelines of the Church. My counsel to you is don’t despair! All is well. For with God, nothing is impossible."

"How do these holy houses strengthen, comfort, and protect us? We find an answer in the pleadings of the Prophet Joseph Smith in the dedication of the Kirtland Temple. It was in this temple where the Saints sang, “We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven.” The Savior Himself appeared, and prophets of old returned, bestowing additional priesthood keys to the restored gospel.

On that sacred occasion in the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet prayed that in the Lord’s holy house, the Saints would be armed with the power of God, that the name of Jesus Christ would be upon them, that His angels would have charge over them, and that they would grow up in the Lord and “receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost.” These powerful supplications are fulfilled in our lives as we faithfully worship in the house of the Lord."

"In His house, we are literally endowed with heavenly power. Our faith in Jesus Christ and our love for Him are confirmed and fortified. We are spiritually assured of our true identity and the purposes of life. As we are faithful, we are blessed with protection from temptations and distractions. We feel our Savior’s love as He lifts us from our difficulties and sorrows. We are armed with the power of God."

"In His holy house, we take His name more completely upon us. When we are baptized, we profess our belief in Him and our willingness to keep His commandments. In the temple, we sacredly promise, through our covenants, to follow Him forever."

"In the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet Joseph prayed that “angels [would] have charge over [His Saints].” Regularly performing ordinances for our ancestors in the temple brings a sweet and sure confirmation that life continues beyond the veil."

"The gift of the Holy Ghost is given to us as we are confirmed a member of the Church. Each week as we worthily partake of the bread and water in remembrance of our Savior, we are promised His Spirit will always be with us. As we come with willing hearts to the house of the Lord, the most holy place on earth, we grow up in the Lord and can “receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost.” Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we are filled with peace and joy and unspeakable hope. We receive the strength to remain His disciples even when we find ourselves outside of holy places."

"The temple is literally the house of the Lord. I promise you as you come worthily and prayerfully to His holy house, you will be armed with His power, His name will be upon you, His angels will have charge over you, and you will grow up in the blessing of the Holy Ghost."