D&C 76
In studying the conditions to qualify for the terrestrial kingdom, in my opinion, they are "and" and not "or" as the Lord reveals -
"Behold, these are they who died without law;
73 And also they who are the spirits of men kept in prison, whom the Son visited, and preached the gospel unto them, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh;
74 Who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it.
75 These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men." (Doctrine and Covenants 76:72–75)
and -
"These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus..." (Doctrine and Covenants 76:79)
"Not valiant" would include members of the Church. I consider it to mean "not striving".
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