Alma 62
After an insurgent of those that desired to end the freedom and liberty of the people and appointed a king over them, we read that -
"...Pachus was slain and his men were taken prisoners, and Pahoran was restored to his judgment–seat.
9 And the men of Pachus received their trial, according to the law, and also those king–men who had been taken and cast into prison; and they were executed according to the law; yea, those men of Pachus and those king–men, whosoever would not take up arms in the defence of their country, but would fight against it, were put to death." (Book of Mormon | Alma 62:8 - 9)
Many of our day would question the actions of Pahoran and Moroni, but I note "they were executed according to the law". In other words, Pahoran and Moroni were just because it was the law of the land. There freedoms and liberties were so special that the law required execution of those that sought to overthrow such freedoms and liberties.
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