Scripture Blog

This weblog is my personal online scripture journal. I try to read the scriptures each morning as I exercise on my cross-trainer. It has a great impact on my life and my testimony of the Savior and his restored church. The journal is really for my own benefit but I have set it up as a web log in hopes to benefit anyone else that may be interested. "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Nephi 10:19

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

D&C 53

As Leman Copley broke his covenant to consecrate his large farm as a place of inheritance for the saints arriving from Colesville the Lord said to Newel Knight on behalf of those over whom he presided -

"...if your brethren desire to escape their enemies, let them repent of all their sins, and become truly humble before me and contrite." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 54:3)

Who are our enemies? I see our enemies to be that which is holding us back from receiving all the blessings of exaltation. It may be the very peronal challenges that we must master to receive this goal. The Lord said -

" the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 101:38)

Possess your soul means self mastery. Sometimes the enemy is ourselves or the "natural man". In the following section, the Lord said to W.W. Phelps -

"...if you do with an eye single to my glory, you shall have a remission of your sins and a reception of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands..." (Doctrine and Covenants Section 55:1)

It all seems to follow the command of the Lord through Alma -

"...that they should teach nothing save it were the things which he had taught, and which had been spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets.
20 Yea, even he commanded them that they should preach nothing save it were repentance and faith on the Lord, who had redeemed his people." (Book of Mormon Mosiah 18:19 - 20)