Scripture Blog

This weblog is my personal online scripture journal. I try to read the scriptures each morning as I exercise on my cross-trainer. It has a great impact on my life and my testimony of the Savior and his restored church. The journal is really for my own benefit but I have set it up as a web log in hopes to benefit anyone else that may be interested. "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Nephi 10:19

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

D&C 123

While the Prophet Joseph Smith suffered in Liberty Jail, the Lord instructs the early saints to - 

"...gathering up a knowledge of all the facts, and sufferings and abuses put upon them by the people of this State;

2 And also of all the property and amount of damages which they have sustained, both of character and personal injuries, as well as real property;

3 And also the names of all persons that have had a hand in their oppressions, as far as they can get hold of them and find them out."  (Doctrine and Covenants 123:1–3)


"...for there is much which lieth in futurity, pertaining to the saints, which depends upon these things."  (Doctrine and Covenants 123:15)

Now, many years later, we have witnessed why as much of the world have come to acknowledge such.