Alma 21
We see the logic of the Amalekites are much the same as today saying to Aaron -
"...What is that thou hast testified? Hast thou seen an angel? Why do not angels appear unto us? Behold are not this people as good as thy people?
6 Thou also sayest, except we repent we shall perish. How knowest thou the thought and intent of our hearts? How knowest thou that we have cause to repent? How knowest thou that we are not a righteous people? Behold, we have built sanctuaries, and we do assemble ourselves together to worship God..." (Alma 21:5–6)
And with that -
"...they were angry with him, and began to mock him; and they would not hear the words which he spake." (Alma 21:10)
Do we not see this today in our missionary work?
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