Helaman 16
The other day, I was listening to the History Channel where they were discussing possible origins of the so called "wise men" that came to worship the new born Savior.
In the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees, the Lord talks of three natural branches or groups -
"...the Lord of the vineyard said unto his servant: Let us go down into the nethermost parts of the vineyard, and behold if the natural branches have also brought forth evil fruit.
39 And it came to pass that they went down into the nethermost parts of the vineyard. And it came to pass that they beheld that the fruit of the natural branches had become corrupt also; yea, the first and the second and also the last; and they had all become corrupt."
(Book of Mormon Jacob 5:38 - 39)
He mentions earlier in the allegory that all three branches brought forth good fruit except the last which had good and bad fruit.
The allegory suggests that there were branches of groups of Israel spread in places throughout the world. As with their forefathers, I'm sure each kept of record of their dealings with God. There must have been righteous men amongst them as we find in Babylon with Daniel and others and in the new world with the Nephites and Lamanites. As the time neared to the coming of the Savior in the flesh, Mormon writes -
"...there were great signs given unto the people, and wonders; and the words of the prophets began to be fulfilled.
14 And angels did appear unto men, wise men, and did declare unto them glad tidings of great joy..." (Book of Mormon Helaman 16:13 - 14)
If this took place amongst the Israelites in the new world, would it not also be expected that it would also happen amongst righteous Israelites, wise men in other places in the Lords vineyard. Might not this also explain the coming of "wise men" with gifts for the prophesied Messiah?
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